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Everything You Need To Know When Looking To Give Your Cat CBD Oil

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Your cat could be suffering from a particular condition, or they could be in pain. As the owner, you will take action and take them to see the vet. Contacting a vet could cost you a lot of money. When your cat is old and has a condition that the vet may not be able to treat, you will need to look for an alternative to help your cat. The CBD oil helps in relieving pain, sleeping problems, anxiety, arthritis, acne, and eczema. CBD oil is not only suitable for humans but also cats and other animals such as dogs. Below you will find all you need to know before you give your cat CBD oil.

CBD contains cannabinoids. The compound gets in contact with receptors in the body and, it causes the control of moods, memory, pain, anxiety, and inflammation. When cats grow older, they become prone to diseases that affect their nervous system. Some common ailments that can be treated by giving your cat CBD oil include pain, stress, anxiety, seizures, nausea, and other diseases. If your cat does not have an appetite, you can give them the CBD oil at and your cat will continue eating.

It is essential to know the amount of CBD oil that you should give your cat. If your cat has a condition you think can be treated by using the product, then you should know the amount to provide them. It is advisable that you give your cat the smallest portion that you can for the first few doses. As time goes, you can increase the amount you give them slowly by slowly. Some vets will prescribe about 1 to 5miligrams of CBD oil to every 10 pounds weight of the cat.

Cats are specific about the things they eat, and giving them the CBD oil directly to them on a plate may not work. The most common way to deal with this is to provide them with the product through their food or water. You can also find hemp dog treats that have the CBD oil in them; therefore, all you need to do is know the number of treats you should give your cat.

You should understand the side effects that come with the use of CBD oil by cats. When you give your cat the product, you will start seeing results after some time. Most known side effects are drowsiness, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting. It is advised to stop using the CBD oil if you notice any of these side effects or talk to a vet. Consider a CBD oil product that has been formulated for pets and is approved by the state. Get into some more facts about cannabis, go to